评论翻译 Preeti Jaiman I moved from USA to Singapore. So here are the good and bad. Good- 1. SAFETY- Extremely safe place, compared to many places in US. I was in Atlanta and felt unsafe for most part of it. 2. COMMUTE- small island and you can get to any place within an hour. 3. EDUCATION- the education system is great. 4. HOSPITALS - healthcare is again great in S'pore 5. DOMESTIC HELP- In USA helpers are expensive but in S'pore you can get cleaning help which are affordable.
我从美国搬到了新加坡,新加坡的生活有优点,但也有不好的地方 优点是: 安全:与美国很多地方相比,新加坡非常的安全。我之前在美国的亚特兰大生活,大部分时候都觉得不太安全。 通勤:新加坡就是一个小岛,一个小时内你可以到达任何地方 教育:新加坡的教育系统非常的好 医院:新加坡的医疗服务也很不错 家政服务:美国的家政服务非常的贵,但在新加坡,你可以得到负担得起的清洁服务。 原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Bad- 1. BUYING PROPERTY- unless you are Singaporean it is difficult and expensive 2. CAR- owning your own car is out of question. Very expensive. 3. CULTURAL SHOCK- I found the behavior to be cold and rude. The customer service is much better in US than in S'pore. I resolve my issues by directly going to the place rather talk over the phone. I have no idea about nightlife and parties because I'm not into it.
不好的地方 购买房产:除非你是新加坡人,否则很难买到房子而且价格昂贵 汽车:拥有自己的汽车是不可能的,非常昂贵。 文化冲击:美国的客户服务比新加坡好得多。我可以直接去现场解决问题,而不用通过电话交流。我觉得这种行为冷酷且粗鲁。 我对这里的夜生活和派对不太了解,因为我不喜欢这些东西。 Calvin Houng, loves design and building stuff It's impossible to compare Singapore with the USA as a whole. Singapore is a city state. Better comparisons would be between Singapore and New York, Singapore and California or Singapore and Washington DC.
不能把新加坡和整个美国进行比较 新加坡是一个城市国家。最好还是拿纽约,加州或者华盛顿与新加坡进行比较。 Getting down to it, aside from what has already been mentioned, Singapore main strengths are in these areas: Excellent healthcare system (Not the best, but better than the US for sure) Efficient and somewhat inexpensive public transportation system Cleanliness (DC is almost on par in my opinion) Safety and security (Singapore wins this by a mile, no joke)
除了上面提到的,新加坡的主要优势还体现在以下几个方面: 优秀的医疗体系(不是最好的,但肯定比美国更好) 高效而又便宜的公共交通系统 干净(在我看来和华盛顿差不多) 安全程度(新加坡在这方面遥遥领先,不是开玩笑) Dexter Liew, Fascinated by everything, always inquisitive and curious Having stayed in Singapore for a while, I can safely say that Singapore is far better. When Americans step into Singapore, they are shocked by how expensive it is there and the lack of freedom. Singapore is like a conservative country, with a bit of socialism.
在新加坡呆过一段时间,可以肯定的说,新加坡要比美国好。当美国人进入新加坡后,会被当地昂贵的物价和缺乏自由所震惊。新加坡是一个保守的国家,带有一点社会主义色彩。 Singapore is ultra safe because virtually all weapons are banned. Even a bullet in your pocket can send you off to a long jail sentence and even execution. US gun laws are too weak, and even if they emphasise on responsibility, mass shootings do occur once in a while. Singapore has none of such cases. Though, in the UK, there is a bit more freedom but still, quite a lot of similarities to Singapore.
新加坡非常安全,因为几乎所有武器都被禁止。即便口袋里面藏了一枚子弹也可能会让你被判处长期监禁,甚至被判处死刑也有可能 美国的控枪法案软弱无力,即便他们再怎么强调控枪的职责,但时不时还是会发生大规模的枪击案,新加坡从来不会发生这种事情 虽然在英国,人们拥有更多的自由,但和新加坡依然有很多的相似之处。 原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Bradley Dason, lives in The United States of America (2001-present) I prefer living in America the US has more Freedom like literally you can’t chew gum In Public In his Singapore and not only that Singapore air is dirtier than America due to the fact that Singapore is a very small country in which it’s literally a city compare to America and borders developing third world nations
我更喜欢住在美国 美国有更多的自由,在新加坡,就连在公共场合嚼口香糖都不行,不仅如此,新加坡的空气质量也没有美国好,因为新加坡只是一个小国,实际上就是一座城市而已,它的周围都是第三世界的发展中国家。 while Healthcare is affordable in Singapore overall surprisingly Healthcare is better in the US I have insurance and overall my health insurance and my medical care is very Good and quality care is better here in th US although this is just according to my opinion not only that Jobs and Opportunities are much better in America by Far the Us also has higher wages too.
虽然新加坡的医疗成本不高,但美国的医疗服务要比新加坡更好 我自己有保险,总体上我的健康保险和医疗服务非常不错,美国医疗的质量要更高一些,不过这只是我的个人观点 而且美国有更多的工作机会,工资水平也比新加坡要高 Education is also another factor I prefer studying in America the US is one of the best countries for education and one of the global leaders for it and the US has better public schools Quality of Life is also better in the US America is 15th in quality of life while Singapore is well I don’t know but I know that it’s much lower than America’s and the US has a higher life expectancy at 79 Years Old and Transprotation is in my opinion better here even though Public transit is better in Singapore but the US has Better Trains highways and Airports while crime in Singapore is lower overall America has many safe places in which my home state is very safe Overall The US is better place to live in than Singapore and it’s not just according to my opinion
我喜欢美国的另一个因素就是美国有更好的教育,美国是教育最好的国家之一,也是全球教育行业的领导者之一,而且美国有更好的公立学校 美国的生活质量也更好,在生活质量方面美国排名第15,而我不知道新加坡排第几,但我知道它比美国低得多,美国人的平均寿命是79岁 而且我认为美国的交通也更好,即便新加坡的公共交通比美国好,但美国有更好的火车,高速公路和机场 虽然总体上新加坡的犯罪率较低,但美国有很多安全的地方,我的家乡就非常安全 总的来说,美国比新加坡更宜居,不仅仅只有我一个人这么看 Michael Teo Bradley, correction. You CAN chew gum in Singapore, but usually can't purchase gums locally. So travellers buy a pack of gum during their trips and bring in for personal consumption. No issue.
纠正一下,在新加坡是可以嚼口香糖的,但在新加坡当地通常买不到口香糖。不过游客在旅行期间可以带一包口香糖在身边。这是没有问题的。 来自:龙腾网看世界 |