Singaporeis a country where high net worth people and high-quality people allover the world want to,是全球高净值人群、高素质人群想要移民的国家。Today,let's introduce five ways of ...
Singaporeis a country where high net worth people and high-quality people allover the world want to immigrate. 新加坡,是全球高净值人群、高素质人群想要移民的国家。 Today,let's introduce five ways of Singapore immigration. The fastest wayis to get a green card in nine months. 今天就来给大家介绍新加坡移民的5种方式,最快的一种9个月就能拿到绿卡。 First:investment immigration GIP. 第一种:投资移民GIP Thisis the fastest way to get a Singapore green card at present. There isno one. The whole family can get a permanent green card in Singaporewithin 9 months. 这是目前最快拿到新加坡绿卡的办法了,没有之一。可以在9个月内全家拿到新加坡的永久绿卡。 However,this is also a project with the highest threshold in Singapore. Let'slook at the application conditions: 不过这也是新加坡门槛最高的一个项目了,我们来看申请条件: 1.The applicant has at least three years of entrepreneurial andbusiness experience (the audit report of the reporting company in thelast three years shall be provided); 1.申请人拥有不少于三年的创业、经商经历(需提供申报公司最近三年的审计报告); 2.The turnover of the company operated by the applicant in the lastyear must be no less than S $200 million (S $1 = 4.79 yuan), and theaverage annual turnover in the last three years must be no less thanS $200 million; 2.申请人经营的公司最近一年的营业额必须达到不少于新币两亿元(1新币=4.79人民币),并且最近三年的年均营业额必须达到不少于新币两亿元; 3.The applicant shall hold more than 30% of the shares (if the companyis a listed company, the applicant must be one of the largestindividual shareholders); 3.申请人需持股30%以上(若公司是上市公司,申请人必须是最大个人股东之一); 4.The industry of the company must meet the list of industriesdesignated by the Singapore Immigration Bureau; 4.公司所属行业必须满足新加坡移民局指定行业列表; 5.Investment requirements: after obtaining the approval in principle,invest at least s $2.5 million in the "global business InvestorProgram Fund" approved by the Singapore government, with aninvestment period of 5 years. 5.投资要求:获得原则批复后,至少投资250万新币在新加坡政府批准投资的“全球商业投资者计划基金”,投资期限5年。 Inother words, you not only need to be able to invest about 12 millionyuan in Singapore, but also need to have more than three years ofbusiness experience. The annual turnover of the company in the lastthree years needs to reach about 1 billion yuan. 也就是说,你不仅需要能拿出1200万人民币左右来投资到新加坡,还需要你有三年以上商业经验,最近三年公司的年营业额还需要达到10亿人民币左右。 Thosewho can meet such conditions are regarded as excellent entrepreneursin China, such as Zhang Yong of Haidilao and Li Xiting of Mindraymedical. 能够达到这样条件,都算是中国很优秀的企业家了,像海底捞的张勇、迈瑞医疗的李西廷这种级别的了。 Soalthough this is the best way to get a Singapore green card, thethreshold is too high for most friends. 所以这个虽然是最能拿到新加坡绿卡的方式,但对于大多数的朋友来说,门槛过于高了。 Butit doesn't matter. I wish you all develop as soon as possible. Incase you realize the class leap one day, keep this for reference.Let's introduce some relatively civilian immigration methods. Ibelieve friends can use them. 但没关系,祝大家早日发达,万一哪天就实现阶层跨越了呢,这个先留着参考。下面我们来介绍一些相对平民化的移民方法,相信朋友们能用的上。 Thesecond is business immigration. 第二种:商业移民 Ifyou have a very good entrepreneurial idea or an invention patent,Singapore welcomes you to start a business there and make your ideasand patents a landing project here. 如果你拥有一个非常好的创业idea,或者是有一个发明专利,那么新加坡是很欢迎你去那里创业,将你的想法和专利在这里成为落地的项目。 Theproject requires applicants to register a company in Singapore andhold at least 30% of the shares. Moreover, there are industryrestrictions. It must be an innovative company recognized by thegovernment, such as restaurants, travel agencies, Feng Shuiinstitutions and so on. 这个项目要求申请人在新加坡注册一家公司,并最少持有30%以上的股份。而且是有行业限制的,必须是政府认可的创新型公司,像餐厅、旅行社、风水机构等等是不可以的。 Inaddition, you need to hire at least three Singapore employees. Aftermeeting these conditions, you can apply for a permanent green cardafter two to three years. 除此之外,还需要雇佣至少三名新加坡员工,满足这些条件之后,在两到三年之后可以申请永久绿卡。 Thethird kind: self-employed immigrants. 第三种:自雇移民 Thisis a little similar to business immigrants, who also immigrate bysetting up a company, but the difference is that self-employedimmigrants are not so strict about the industry. 这个和商业移民有点相似,也是通过开设公司的办法移民的,但不同的是,自雇移民对于行业的要求没有那么严格。 Youcan invest in a local Singapore chain, hold at least 90% of theshares, and then "hire yourself" to work in Singapore as astore executive. 你可以投资一家新加坡当地的连锁机构,至少需要持有90%的股份,然后以门店高管的身份“雇佣自己”到新加坡工作。 Thereare also requirements for the investment amount, with a minimum of S$500000. There will also be requirements for employees, and at leasttwo local employees in Singapore will be employed. 这个对于投资金额也是有要求的,最低是50万新币。也会对雇用人员有要求,至少还要雇佣两名新加坡当地员工。 Theself-employed immigrant landed in Singapore with a work permit andcan apply for permanent residence after two years. 这个自雇移民是以工作签的方式登陆新加坡的,两年后可以申请永居。 Fourth:employer sponsored immigration. 第四种:雇主担保移民 Ifyou can get a permanent job in Singapore, you can apply for employersponsored immigration. 如果你可以获得一份新加坡的长期工作,那么就可以申请雇主担保移民了。 Ofcourse, not all ordinary jobs can apply for employer sponsoredimmigration. After all, if locals are fully competent, the SingaporeImmigration Bureau will not approve a foreigner to "grab a job". 当然不是所有的普通岗位都是可以申请雇主担保移民的,毕竟如果当地人都能够完全胜任的工作,新加坡移民局是不会批准一个外国人来“抢饭碗”的。 Employersguarantee that immigrants have high requirements for thecomprehensive quality of applicants, such as high education,professional skills, industry experience, age, salary level and soon. 雇主担保移民对申请人的综合素质要求很高,比如高学历、专业技能、行业经验、年龄、薪资水平等等。 Employersponsored immigrants also have two types of talents: medium skilledtalents, senior skilled talents and senior management talents. 雇主担保移民也对人才类型分为两种,一种是中等技术人才,一种是高级技术人才和高级管理人才。 Thereare these requirements for medium-sized technical talents: 对于中等技术人才有这些要求: 1.Salary requirements: the monthly salary shall be at least s $2400 (ifyou have many years of experience in relevant fields, you need ahigher salary level to be approved); 1.薪资要求:月薪至少达到2400新币(如果在相关领域有多年经验就需要更高的工资水平才能获准); 2.Job requirements: relevant working experience is required; 2.工作要求:需具备相关工作经验; 3.Education requirements: College / undergraduate / technicalqualification certification. 3.学历要求:具备大专/本科/技术资质认证。 Thereare these requirements for senior technical talents and seniormanagement talents: 对于高级技术人才和高级管理人才有这些要求: Salaryrequirements: monthly salary of at least s $3900 (if you have manyyears of experience in relevant fields, you need a higher salarylevel to be approved); 薪资要求:月薪至少达到3900新币(如果在相关领域有多年经验就需要更高的工资水平才能获准); Salaryrequirements: monthly salary of at least s $3900 (if you have manyyears of experience in relevant fields, you need a higher salarylevel to be approved); 工作要求:从事管理、行政或专业工作; Educationalrequirements: university degree, professional qualification orprofessional skills.学历要求:具有大学学历、专业资格或专业技能。 Theabove two kinds of talents can help their families apply for visasonly when their monthly salary reaches S $6000. 以上两种人才,只有在月薪达到6000新币的时候,才可以帮助家人申请签证。 Fifth:study abroad immigrants. 第五种:留学移民 Infact, studying in Singapore has always had a good market in China,because it is a Chinese country, and there will not be many obstaclesin living habits and language. And through studying abroad, you alsohave the opportunity to immigrate to Singapore. 新加坡留学在中国其实一直还挺有市场的,因为是华人国家,生活习惯和语言上不会有多大障碍。而且通过留学,也是有机会移民到新加坡的。 Ifyou can meet the following three conditions, you have a better chanceof staying in Singapore. 如果你能够满足下面三个条件,那么留在新加坡的机会就比较大。 1.Living in Singapore for 2 years or more; 1.在新加坡居住2 年或以上; 2.Study in Singapore (either public or private); 2.在新加坡就读(公立或私立学校均可); 3.Passed a Singapore national level examination (HKCEE / O level / alevel). 3.通过一项新加坡国家级别考试(升中会考/OLevel/A Level)。 Singapore,as a country, has always been the most suitable destination forChinese immigrants. Because it is not only prosperous and prosperous,but also a Chinese country, there is no cultural barrier for Chineseimmigrants to come here. The immigration methods listed above arehard conditions that you must meet in order to apply for permanentresidence. In addition, there are some additional soft conditions. 新加坡这个国家,一直以来我都认为它是华人最适合的移民目的地。因为这里不仅繁荣富庶,而且是华人国家,中国人移民到这里来完全不会有文化隔阂。上面所列出的移民方法都是硬性条件,是你必须达到才能去申请永居的。除此之外还有一些加分的软性条件。 Forexample, the longer you stay in Singapore, the higher the successrate of your application. Because what Singapore wants is immigrantswho are really willing to integrate into this country. There is alsoyour family structure. A family of four is certainly more popularwith the Immigration Bureau than a DINK family, because Singapore isalso encouraging childbirth and encouraging families with higherquality to have more children. 比如说在新加坡居住的时间,住得时间越长,申请的成功率就越高。因为新加坡想要的是真正愿意融入这个国家的移民。还有就是你的家庭结构,一个四口之家肯定比一个丁克家庭更受移民局的喜爱,因为新加坡也在鼓励生育,鼓励素质更高的家庭多生孩子。 Generallyspeaking, in addition to those who can smash 12 million localtyrants, they can get a Singapore green card within nine months, andthe rest can only be applied for after at least two years.Immigration is not achieved overnight, especially in developedcountries such as Singapore. 总体来说,除了能够砸1200万的土豪朋友,可以在9个月内拿到新加坡绿卡,其余的方式最少都要两年之后才能申请。移民不是一蹴而就的事情,尤其是像新加坡这样的发达国家。 来自:上海外事商务咨询中心 |